The fund aims to support a range of activities in existing woodlands that will: increase species and structural diversity through low impact silvicultural systems management, encourage natural regeneration to expand native woodlands, bring native woodlands and designated woodland features into active management and good ecological condition, support management of rural and urban woodlands for public access, control grey squirrels where they are a threat to the red squirrel population, control predators to benefit capercaillie and black grouse, and reduce deer impacts to a level that will allow regeneration of conifer and broadleaved species.
The grant has 9 different categories of which some may be used to fund actions related/beneficial to nature-based solutions. Check the fund website 'Grant support' section for further details.
If you are a tenant then a landlord’s declaration must be provided with your application. The control of the land must extend for the duration of the proposed contract. Further eligibility advice in the Forestry Grant Scheme full guidance.
See the fund website for guidance.
Likely open for applications. Check with the grant managers for further details.