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National Forest for Wales- The Woodland Investment Grant

  • Created forest
  • Woodland

  • Created habitats
  • Management
  • Restoration
  • Wales


The scheme will create, restore and enhance woodlands.

Fund manager & award size

Welsh Government, National Lottery Heritage Fund

Grants of £40,000-£250,000. Up to 100% funding. See the fund website for additional details.


The fund is open to any landowners/managers including not-for-profit organisations and private owners. This is provided that you have the right permissions, licences and consents in place to undertake activity. See the fund website for additional details.

How to apply

See the fund website for guidance.


Application deadline

Round 5: Project Enquiry Form deadline: 7 December 2023. Application deadline: 21 February 2024. Decision will be made: Early May - Your project completion date: 26 May 2026. See the fund website for updates.


Last round specified on the Heritage Fund website requires projects to finish in 2026. No indication of further rounds at the moment.

Last reviewed


Visit fund website