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The MOREhedges initiative is intended to create new ecological links with woodland in the surrounding landscape.

Fund manager & award size

Woodland Trust, funded by Lloyds Bank

The award size depends on the project, but generally, the fund subsidises up to 75% of the cost of the trees, tree protection, advice and guidance provided. See the fund website for additional details.


The fund is available for any landowners or farmers to plant hedgerows on their land if they are not already in receipt of funding for planting that hedgerow and the fund's eligibility criteria are met. Projects must plant 100 – 250 metres of new hedgerow with at least 100m in a single run. They must also: connect directly with existing or newly planted woodland (at least 0.2Ha in England and Wales, or 0.1Ha in Scotland and Northern Ireland) or connect to woodland within 500m of the new hedge via established hedgerows. See the fund website for additional details.

How to apply

See the fund website and FAQs for guidance.


Application deadline

Open for applications for planting more than 100m of new hedging between November 2023 and March 2024. See the fund website for updates.

Last reviewed


Visit fund website