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Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund

  • Farmland

  • Food production
  • Management
  • Scotland


The fund focusses on fostering innovation, cooperation and the development of the knowledge base in rural areas; strengthening the links between agriculture, food production and innovation (including for the purpose of improving environmental management and performance) and fostering lifelong learning and vocational training in agriculture.

Fund manager & award size

Scottish Government Agriculture, Food and Rural Communities Directorate under the Rural Development (Scotland) Regulations 2015

The award size depends on the type of project as the grant rate for Knowledge Transfer and Skills Development proposals is 75 per cent of eligible costs and the grant rate for Innovation projects is 100 per cent of eligible costs. See the Rural Development: Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund full guidance for further details.


Some examples of leading eligible bodies are: an agricultural levy body, an enterprise company, and a non-profit organisation. Support is available to organisations that have an interest in the primary agricultural sector and wish to promote projects that support skills development, knowledge transfer, explore new ways of working and improve performance. This includes: public sector organisations, private sector organisations, constituted not-for-profit organisations, research institutions. Groups made up of individuals or organisations working in collaboration can also apply. These groups will form operational groups and could be made up of: farmers, researchers, advisors, non-government organisations or private sector businesses involved in the agricultural sector. See the fund website for additional details.

How to apply

See the fund website for guidance.


Application deadline

The round for year 2023 is closed. May open again next year. See the fund website for updates.

Last reviewed


Visit fund website