The fund aims to encourage landscape-scale collaborative projects between two or more landowners by providing support for project facilitation and co-ordination. The subsequent management activity can be supported through other options within the Forestry Grant Scheme.
Grant support of £250 per day is available for up to 40 days, or up to 10 days for small-scale (<10ha) woodland creation schemes, to support the cost of a project co-ordinator for the feasibility (initial exploratory phase and focuses) and the consolidation (the detail of the project) stages. Check the fund website 'Grant support' section for further details.
The proposal must be over a landscape scale involving two or more adjoining or nearby land holdings. For woodland creation there must be a minimum of four participating owners with scope for a significant area of woodland creation. Common Grazings with more than four members are eligible. For small-scale woodland creation (<10ha) there must be two or more participants. See the fund website for additional details.
See the fund website for guidance.
Likely open for applications. Check with the grant managers for further details.