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Environmental Land Management- Landscape Recovery

  • Farmland

  • Created habitats
  • Restoration
  • England


LR will pay for bespoke, longer-term, larger scale projects to enhance the natural environment.

Fund manager & award size

DEFRA and Rural Payments Agency

The total project development budget available is up to £15 million. The project development grant can fund up to 100% of costs. The maximum amount of development funding you can apply for in year 2023's round is £750,000 per project. See the fund website for additional details.


All private land managers and landowners are eligible to apply. This includes: farmers including farm tenants, foresters, charities, non-farming businesses and organisations, and collaborative groups. Public bodies can also apply, but only in collaboration with private land managers (landowners or tenants). Non-government organisations, private companies, agents or other third parties can apply or run a Landscape Recovery project on behalf of other land managers. See the fund website for additional details.

How to apply

See the "How to apply" section on the fund website for detailed guidance.


Application deadline

Year 2023 round open until 21 September 2023. See the fund website for updates.


Actions in the scheme long-term. Likely will be future yearly rounds.

Last reviewed


Visit fund website