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Environmental Land Management- Countryside Stewardship and CS Plus

  • Farmland

  • Created habitats
  • Management
  • England


CS will pay for more targeted actions relating to specific locations, features and habitats. There will be an extra incentive through CS Plus for land managers to join up across local areas to deliver bigger and better results.

Fund manager & award size

DEFRA and Rural Payments Agency

The total award size will depend on the type, number and area under CS actions. See the fund website for additional details.


Fund open to farmers, foresters, and other land managers, further detailed guidance on eligibility in ELM 2023 update policy paper.

How to apply

See the Countryside Stewardship Guidance website for detailed guidance.


Application deadline

Open for applications. See the fund website for updates.


Being actively developed during 2023 and 2024.

Last reviewed


Visit fund website