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England Woodland Creation Offer

  • Created forest

  • Created habitats
  • England


EWCO offers support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as one hectare.

Fund manager & award size

Forestry Commission

Total fund over £25 million. Can get up to £10,200 per hectare for capital costs, £350 per hectare for maintaining young trees for up to 10 years and support for the costs of installing infrastructure. Also, up to £8,000 per hectare for capital costs in Additional Contribution payments. See the fund website for additional details.


The fund is available to owner occupiers, tenants, landlords and licensors who have full management control of the land in the application (if you don’t have full management control you will need consent from those who do). Joint applications, multiple land managers and applications on common land and areas of shared grazing are eligible. See the fund website for additional details.

How to apply

See the "How to apply" section on the fund website for detailed guidance.


Application deadline

Open all year round. See the fund website for updates.


EWCO will eventually in 2025 merge to become an option through the Countryside Stewardship scheme.

Last reviewed


Visit fund website