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Agroforestry (part of the Forestry Grant Scheme)

  • Created forest
  • Created other
  • Farmland

  • Created habitats
  • Scotland


The fund provides support to help you create small scale woodlands within sheep grazing pasture land (silvopastoral system) or on arable land (silvoarable system).

Fund manager & award size

Scottish Rural Development Programme, Scottish Forestry

The award size will depend on the project. This grant has two payment types: a capital grant for initial establishment and an annual maintenance grant that is paid for five years. The rate of capital grant you can claim depends on the number of trees that you plant per hectare. See the fund website for additional details.


To be eligible for this grant you must own or lease the land the woodland will be created on. See the fund website for additional details.

How to apply

See the fund website for guidance.


Application deadline

Likely open for applications. Check with the grant managers for further details.

Last reviewed


Visit fund website