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Uban grassland and verge guidance


This short guide summarises a wide range of existing guidance by organisations such as Buglife, Plantlife and Butterfly Conservation into ten steps to show how urban grassland and verges can be managed better for biodiversity, focusing on both plants and invertebrates. The advice covers mowing later, mowing less often, using low impact mowing methods, leaving uncut refuges, creating structural diversity, removal of cuttings, whether or not to plant wildflowers or sow seeds, and the need to work with local people to foster an understanding of why the grass is being left to grow longer. It includes a list of useful resources from other organisations.


Guidance type/project stage

  • Ecosystem creation
  • Implementation
  • Ecosystem management
  • Ecosystem restoration


  • Grassland
  • Hedgerows
  • Shrubland
  • Urban

Challenges addressed

  • Biodiversity
  • Climate change mitigation

Source | Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery (LCNR)

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