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Seagrass restoration potential areas


Online map of potential areas where seagrass could be restored. Derived from the EMODnet 2016 wave and current energy models combined with seabed digital elevation models, and Environment Agency salinity monitoring and modelling data. Identifies areas with low wave energy, low current, suitable elevation / depth (-10 to 5m above sea level), and salinity over 10 (mesohaline or polyhaline). Areas of existing saltmarsh and small patches less than 400 square metres were removed, together with small areas close to major ports.

There are important caveats: this is a national ‘high level’ indication of where intertidal and subtidal seagrass could potentially be restored based on some key physical attributes, and should be considered as an initial aid to identifying sites. The areas identified are based on outputs from large scale models and may not be precise at the local level. The map does not consider the location of significant activities (such as dredging) and marine assets (such as submarine cables), which could restrict potential. These additional factors should be considered at an early stage before selecting sites. The areas identified may not meet all environmental conditions required to re-establish seagrass habitat, and the map may omit some additional areas that could be suitable for restoration.


Guidance type/project stage

  • Planning


  • Coastal and marine
  • Seagrass

Challenges addressed

  • Climate change adaptation
  • Biodiversity
  • Food production
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Natural flood management
  • Water quality

Source | Rivers Trust

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