This online map of Native Oyster Bed Potential areas identifies subtidal mixed sediments in areas with low energy currents. Intertidal areas were excluded, along with some areas close to major ports.
The map comes with important caveats: it is a national ‘high level’ indication of where native oyster reefs could potentially be restored based on some key environmental variables, and should be considered as an initial aid to identifying sites. The areas identified are based on outputs from large scale models and may not be precise at the local level. It does not factor in the location of significant activities (such as dredging), marine assets (such as submarine cables) and ecological risks (such as disease control areas), which could restrict potential, and these factors should be considered at an early stage before selecting suitable sites. The areas identified may not meet all the environmental conditions required to re-establish native oyster bed habitat, and native oysters may exist beyond these areas. There may also be some areas outside the areas identified that could be suitable for restoration.