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Hedgehogs and development


A free guide for developers and house-builders, with tips on how to build in hedgehog-friendly features to new developments, as part of a green infrastructure network. It includes advice for helping hedgehogs before, during and after the build, to protect local hedgehog populations and encourage nearby ‘hogs to return to the site. It includes:
– instructions on how to make ‘Hedgehog Highways’
– recommendations on removing hazards from your site
– advice on how to survey for hedgehogs in the area
– providing educational resources to new homeowners on hedgehog conservation
– details about what habitat features will best help hedgehogs thrive, such as native planting, wildlife ponds and retained areas of deadwood and scrub – a hedgehog’s preferred habitat!
– land management advice for completed development sites


Guidance type/project stage

  • Ecosystem creation
  • Implementation
  • Ecosystem management
  • Planning


  • Hedgerows
  • Shrubland
  • Urban

Challenges addressed

  • Biodiversity

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