This web page introduces the Online CaBA GIS Data Package, a compilation of over 150 data layers to help organisations make informed decisions about where to place natural flood management interventions.
The layers, many of which are free data from the Environment Agency and other public bodies, are grouped into seven themes:
– Opportunities for action, subdivided into Rural Land Management; Urban Land Management; Flood Resilience; River Restoration and Wildlife; Water Quality; Water Resources; Climate Change; Estuaries & Coast; Air Quality, Natural Capital; Recreation & Culture and Socio-economic.
– Issues affecting the catchment, divided into Rivers, Groundwaters, Lakes or Estuaries & Coasts. Mainly WFD status, nitrate vulnerable zones and bathing water status.
– Characteristics of the catchment: Weather, Landuse, Soils, Rivers, Groundwater, Lakes, and Estuary & Coast.
– Potential causes of problems, e.g. pollution sources and river barriers
– Actions already being delivered (mainly by catchment partnerships)
– Additional monitoring data
– Basemaps and boundaries
There are also themed map explorers using sub-sets of this data, for urban areas, coasts, biodiversity and health & wellbeing (see also separate entry for CABA working groups). All the data is intended as a starting point, and should be supplemented by local data and ground-truthing where possible