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Buying native flora


This four page guidance note explains what to consider when obtaining plants or seeds for restoring species-rich grasslands in either urban or rural areas. It includes advice on selecting local species that are native to the area, specifying the size and type of plant, identifying the source, plant survival, and how to look out for misleading information on advertising material for seeds and plants.

The guidance was developed by Flora Locale. This organisation no longer exists but their extensive library of resources is now hosted on the CIEEM website (Chartered Institute of Ecologists and Enviornmental Managers). See also the separate entry for the Flora Locale Advisory note on Buying Native Flora


Guidance type/project stage

  • Ecosystem creation
  • Implementation
  • Ecosystem restoration
  • Principles and standards


  • Grassland
  • Urban

Challenges addressed

  • Biodiversity

Source | Flora Locale

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