This is guidance on how to ground-truth the Agile opportunity mapping tools. The Agile maps combine different national datasets and, if available, local habitat data, to indicate which types of NbS or nature recovery activity are most appropriate in different areas. The input habitat data used to create the maps is often derived from a mixture of on-the-ground surveys and less reliable data gathered from examination of aerial photos, and the data may not be up-to-date and accurate. It is therefore very important that a ground-truthing exercise is carried out to ensure that any proposed changes in land-use or management are appropriate, and will have positive impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem service delivery and local communities, while avoiding unintended negative consequences.
This guidance document offers advice on how to conduct habitat surveys to check the output and recommendations of the maps. It includes a case study and a list of further resources (some of which are also included in this guidance library).